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Ask Ted a Spiritual Question

Hello Friends!  I am happy to answer any spiritual questions on any topic!  The cost is just $5, and if you like, please send an email to me at:  Or call me at:  1-888-879-8339.   In addition to Pay Pal and Credit/Debit cards, you can also send payment to me at:  Ted Mahr, 1401 Marvin Road, N.E., Suite 307-231, Lacey, Washington 98516 USA.  I have nearly 30 years' of experience being in touch with the other side, and so my accuracy rate is very high.  If you have any questions, please email or call me.  I hope you all have a really happy and beautiful day!  With lots of love and light, For a planet that's happy and bright! Ted

Ask Ted a Spiritual Question


    I am happy to answer quick questions over email, donation based! To send a donation, please use Paypal with this email address: or use the Donate button at the top of the page. Or, if you like, you can send a check or money order to me at Ted Mahr P.O. Box 5331 Lacey, Washington 98509-5331

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